Friday, April 23, 2010

Every 15 Minutes

Tuesday April 20th and Wednesday April 21st were very emotional days. The Every 15 Minutes Program came to my school. It was an indescribable experience that I will never forget. It was so wonderful and I am so glad that they came. The program set up a mock crash between two cars which were full of people. Two of them died and the others had to deal with being in the crash. It was a very moving experience and I am so glad that I was able to see and photograph it. The pictures are on my facebook and a slide show of those is on my facebook and on my youtube page. Check them out and comment on what you think.


Laina said...

for some reason I decided to check my blog, and I haven't used it since November of 2008...

Nathan said...

Same here! I don't even know what caused me to, I just felt like it and ended up posting something haha